Script for a New Beginning

The Jewish Exponent

Wynnewood, PA — A new Torah scroll was completed recently for Chabad of Penn Wynne, with New York scribe Rabbi Gad Sebag in town to put the final letters on the document with the help of local residents. After the last letter was completed, the ink was allowed to dry before a procession took place, from the Kaiserman Branch of the Jewish Community Centers in Wynnewood to the ark at the Chabad House on the corner of Haverford Road and Indian Creek Drive. Women held candles and men danced in the street along the way until they arrived at their destination, where the scroll was welcomed, and participants shared in a festive breakfast.

Pictures in the Extended Article.

Emily Coplon and her young son, Ephraim, take part in the Torah procession, as it makes its way from the Kaiserman JCC to the Chabad House.
Levi and Shloimele look on as their father, Rabbi Zalman Gerber works on a letter with Rabbi Gad Sebag of Brooklyn, N.Y
Rabbi Zalman Gerber dresses the Torah in its new home at Chabad of Penn Wynn

One Comment

  • Yonason and Hila Gordon

    Mazel tov, mazel tov! We are SO VERY EXCITED! May you have the best brachas and only simchas! We can’t wait to visit.