Chabad Hosts Sheva Brochos for Rutgers Grad

Last night Rutgers University Jewish Outreach (RUJO), a program of the Rabbinical College of America and Chabad of New Jersey, hosted the second Sheva Brachos for a Rutgers Grad student. Notwithstanding the bad weather, the barbecue dinner was held at the Local Hillel, Which has close ties with the Rabbinical College of America.

The event took place on the first day of the Fall Semester, and is going to be followed by weekly Mivtzoim, Shiurim and other social events throughout the coming year.

RUJO is under the Auspices of Rabbi Moshe Herson, and is run by Shluchim in central New Jersey.


  • Finally!

    This is amazing of Chabad of NJ and Rabbi Herson!
    Its taken a while but I’m glad to see that’s its being done, and definitely looks like its being done right!

  • where-s the black hat?

    how is it that a shliach does not have a hat to wear but has to use a napkin. it’s a new style as hats make them look too religious!

  • to #5 & #7

    They are the Chabad at Rutgers, but don’t use that name on campus due to the usage of the name Chabad by an unofficial breakaway organization.
    The Hillel is an umbrella organization which is dominated by the orthodox Rabbi and orthodox community, it is under the OU organization. This looks like an amazing display of achdus to say the least!

  • to number 6

    Stop focusing on the little stuff that no one looks at look at the good that he is doing and get a life fasssssstttttt!!!!!!!

  • Mazal Tov!

    Mazal tov to the couple. Good friends of mine. Oh and by the way why is everyone being so critical. This is a simcha. You are celebrating the marriage of a new couple. Any of you that have criticisms to say or Lashan Hora keep it to yourself. It is crazy to think that everyone has something negative to say and pick on every little thing. For those of you that kept it positive way to go!

  • What about Rabbi Super??

    Why no mention of my bestest friend and the powerhouse behind RUJO, Rabbi Pinny Super?? Rabbi Pinny, thanks so much for all you do for us here at rutgers!!