Conference Prepares Campus Shluchim for Excellence
The prestigious Sinai Scholars Society held its annual Yarchei Kallah shluchim conference in NYC on 12 Tammuz, hosted by Rabbi Dov Yona Korn at the beautiful, newly renovated Chabad House at NYU in downtown Manhattan.
The Sinai Scholars Society, is a learning program for college students, involving in-depth textual study and engaging discussion. Currently, 67 shluchim host Sinai Scholars chapters across North America.
Rabbi Yitzchok Dubov, director of the Sinai Scholars Society, opened the conference with an overview of new initiatives for the upcoming academic year. Shluchim were introduced to the new follow-up course developed exclusively for Sinai Scholars students, and participated in a shliach-led round-table discussion for sharing best practices and practical tips for success.
Master teachers Rabbi Eliezer Sneiderman and Rabbi Aaron Herman conducted workshops to demonstrate the powerful techniques and tips they have used in teaching Sinai Scholars classes. They presented four model lessons showing just how shluchim can put these techniques into practice.
Fellow Shluchim shared ‘Best Practices’ how they make Sinai Scholars great on their campuses. Introducing out-of-the-box ideas were; Rabbi Mendy Rivkin – Towson, Rabbi Shmuel Tiechtel – ASU, and Rabbi Shmuly Weiss – McGill.
Participants had an opportunity to share their experiences and learn from one another as they discussed their challenges and successes in the field.
Rabbi Moshe L. Gray – Chabad at Dartmouth College, unveiled findings from a new scientific study commissioned by the society; revealing data on the longitudinal impact of the program on students 3-5 years after graduating college.
Response from among the shluchim was overwhelmingly positive – “Two thumbs up!” – “The best conference run in a long time. This year’s conference really employed best practices. I was impressed.” – “It was great learning about the new course, getting pedagogic training and model lessons from Rabbis Sneiderman and Herman, learning new ideas from fellow shluchim.”
Ending on a note of achdus and inspiration, the conference included a shiur given by Reb Yoel Kahn, followed by a farbrengen for Yud Gimmel Tammuz.
The Sinai Scholars Society is a joint project of Chabad on Campus and the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI), both chaired by Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky.
Photos by Chaim Perl