“Yiddish-kites” were created and flown at the spectacular Lag Baomer festivities, sponsored by Chabad of Western Monmouth County, NJ, coordinated by Rabbi Avrohom Bernstein, the Chabad Program Director.

Manalapan Residents Enjoy Lag Ba’omer Festivities

“Yiddish-kites” were created and flown at the spectacular Lag Baomer festivities, sponsored by Chabad of Western Monmouth County, NJ, coordinated by Rabbi Avrohom Bernstein, the Chabad Program Director.

The kite instructor, Glen Silvert of Freehold NJ, had one “Yiddish-kite” flying close to a quarter of a mile high. The kites were first colored with Yiddish themes by over 100 children who attended the event with their parents.

The program also included a fabulous magic show, a delicious BBQ, moon bounce, sports, live music and spirited Lag Ba’omer dancing of joyous participants with the Bochurim of Yeshivas Beis Menachem (the Smicha Program in Manalapan, NJ), around a raging Lag Ba’omer bonfire constructed by the Bochurim with the help of the children.

Over 250 NJ participants enjoyed this year’s Lag Ba’omer event on the grounds of Gan Israel Day Camp, in a most spirited and festive atmosphere.