Roosevelt Island Gets Surprise Visitor for Lag Ba’omer

Chabad of Roosevelt Island, located on the East River between Manhattan and Queens, hosted a Lag Ba’omer outing and bonfire that was attended by dozens of the island’s Jews.

A special addition to the outing was the surprise visit of the Schnitzi’s food truck, operated by Nir Messer, partner and manager of Schnitzi restaurants on Coney Island Ave. and New Utrecht Ave., who lives on Roosevelt Island with his wife and children. On Sunday, he brought his passion and expertise to celebrate with his community, serving up over 150 fresh schnitzel sandwiches to the delighted attendees.

With delicious food and great spirits, the community sat around the traditional bonfire, recited the 12 Pesukim, heard an inspirational story, sang songs and, of course, roasted marshmallows.

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