(Left to right) Rabbi Levi Silman and Rabbi Daniel Rabin

Rabbi Daniel and his wife Sara Rabin will be moving to Johannessburg, South Africa on Shlichus along with their 3 month old son sometime within the next few weeks.

They were appointed by Rav David Masinter, Shliach to South Africa.

Also, Rabbi Levi and Leah Silman have begun a new shlichus in Milnerton a suburb Cape Town, South Africa, where he will be rabbi of the local minyan in the Milnerton suburb of Cape Town, the will also be responsible for all Chabad activities in Milnerton.

They were appointed by Rabbi Popack, head shliach to Cape Town.

May The New Shluchim “be successful in all their endeavors”.

Hatzlacha Rabba!!

Two New Shluchim To South Africa

(Left to right) Rabbi Levi Silman and Rabbi Daniel Rabin

Rabbi Daniel and his wife Sara Rabin will be moving to Johannessburg, South Africa on Shlichus along with their 3 month old son sometime within the next few weeks.

They were appointed by Rav David Masinter, Shliach to South Africa.

Also, Rabbi Levi and Leah Silman have begun a new shlichus in Milnerton a suburb Cape Town, South Africa, where he will be rabbi of the local minyan in the Milnerton suburb of Cape Town, the will also be responsible for all Chabad activities in Milnerton.

They were appointed by Rabbi Popack, head shliach to Cape Town.

May The New Shluchim “be successful in all their endeavors”.

Hatzlacha Rabba!!


  • Rochelle

    Mazel Tov Daniel and Sarah! May you have much hatzlacha in your beautiful work, and may we merit the culmination of all our shlichus with the coming of Moshiach.
    Wishing you all the best!

  • mendel pil

    noooooo come back i dont want you to go dan stay here come back home ahhhhhh
    ill get you some bulltong and maides i promis

  • chaim

    mazel tov daniel and sara rabin its a pleasure to know your leaving ,may you go from strenth to strenth in your shlichut and finazlly come the relization that sf is better for you .amen

  • Go Cape Town!

    Mazal Tov Levi and LEAH Silman, (No Sara over there, wrong Rebbetzin – RIGHT Rabbi!) We know that the two of you will do the Rebbe proud! We LOVE YOU! Hatzlocha!

  • Capetownian

    There were also several other new Shluchim who have recently moved to South Africa, in Cape Town specifically. Keep up the great work, as SA the best place.

  • Shmuli

    Mazel Tov both to Daniel and Levi. may you only know of Hatzlacha and success on your shlichus.

    Ker A velt!!

    and may you be a true inspiration to all of us left behind, that we too should give the Rebbe lot of nachas in all that we do.

  • Groot

    Ladies and gentleman, welcome to kaapstadt!

    Dan and Sara, have fun and c u just now