Campus Shliach Featured on BBC

A new BBC documentary focuses on Rabbi Shmuli Brown, Chabad on campus’ Shliach at Liverpool universities in the UK, after following him and his students since the beginning of the semester in September.

By amazing Hashgocho Protis, the program – which highlights the Rebbe’s work – was aired at prime time to millions of viewers on the the Rebbe’s birthday – Yud Alef Nissan.

The six part series features Rabbi Shmuli and Tzivia Brown’s many educational and social events, and their home away from home.

Rabbi Brown explained how he is contacted by worried parents, and carries out meticulous online research to find out who will be studying in Liverpool and what assistance they might need.

He receives wide acclaim from far and near via email and the social media from Jews and Non-Jews alike, making this a massive Kiddush Shem Lubavitch.

One example being: “Hi Rabbi, You are brilliant! I’m not Jewish but if I was and my daughter had gone to Liverpool I would want someone like you around. Wonderful work. Don’t stop! Regards and God’s Blessing on you and yours”

The valuable work being done to help Jewish students in the UK is through Chabad on Campus, sponsored by philanthropist Mr. David Slager.