Holocaust Hero Honored at Chanukah Ceremony

On the fifth night of Chanukah, dozens of locals gathered with Chabad of Kew Gardens, Queens at the neighborhood’s Wallenberg Square to pay tribute to Holocaust hero Raoul Wallenberg.

Mr. Wallenberg was the heroic rescuer of tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews from the Nazi policies of persecution and extermination during World War II.

Rabbi Shmuel Tuvel addressed the crowd; he spoke about the story of Chanukah and the power of a little light dispelling a lot of darkness. Those gathered were encouraged to each increase in one good deed, to add more light to the world and bring Moshiach. They were reminded about the power of the individual and taking small steps, and how Mr. Wallenberg was able to one by one save tens of thousands of Jews.

Throughout the event, bochurim handed out menorah kits and – before nightfall – put on tefillin with many of those present.

“It’s such great weather and I’m proud to be out here in the public celebrating with my family,” said one attendee.

The children enjoyed Chanukah coloring and Dreidel games, while the adults kept toasty by eating warm latkes and fresh doughnuts.

The event concluded with the lighting of a large menorah and lively dancing.

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  • Tamar Chayempour

    The event was such a wonderful kiddush Hashem. Honoring a man who saved so many Jews was a really timely message of humanity, especially now with all the “knock out” crimes being committed. Rabbi Shmuel Tuvel spoke so well about adding in goodness and kindness, this is exactly the message that our youth need to hear. Perhaps we should begin a “game” of “rise up” where the aim of the game is to run around and find people to help.