Hebrew School Students Compete in Chanukah Contest

Students of the Orange County Chabad Hebrew School, directed by Rabbi Pesach and Chana Burston, participated in a Chanukah contest. Students ages 5-7 made creative dreidels, and students ages 8-13 were challenged to invent a Chanukah-themed board or card game.

Dreidel favorites by the youngest students included a lego dreidel, a PVC dreidel, a magnetic dreidel, an edible marshmallow dreidel and a foil dreidel.

Chanukah games ranged from Chanukah Tic-Tac-Toe and Maccabee Memory to Chanukah Uno, as well as a variety of other unique Chanukah board games.

“It was exciting to watch students use their creativity combined with the lessons we have learned about Chanukah to create some fantastic games,” said Chana Burston, principal of the Hebrew School.

A team of judges chose the winners, who were presented with awards.

“An additional reward will be when we split the students into groups to play the games in our next class,” said Rabbi Pesach Burston – “students are really excited and proud that we will be using their games.”

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