Chanukah Float to Join Houston Thanksgiving Parade
A crowded warehouse north of downtown Houston is packed with holiday floats for the annual thanksgiving day parade, but there’s one there that is very different. It’s the pride and joy of Rabbi Mendy Traxler.
Hammer Jack
yitzchok teitelbaum
I doubt the Rebbe would ever alow Lubavitch to participate in a non Jewish parade. This should stop!
WHy not?
Yermyahu Eitan
Thanks for the clarification. Life has been so unclear without your black and white guidance. Next time I’m torn on a subject, I’ll post it here so you can set us straight.
The Rebbe ZT”L spoke openly about the importance of Thanksgiving and that it is based in thanking HKBH for all the miracles he preforms.
yitzchok teitelbaum
Concerning the question of # 3 Why not? and in response to # 6 What the Rebbe said? 1)One of the translations of parade is “to bring together etc.”.All those that parade are not just doing their own thing. They are parading together etc. Lubavitch or any Jewish organization can’t condone everything that is displayed at these parades. When we light the Menorah outside it’s purpose is to publicize the miracle and to dispel the darkness: not to be a part of the darkness of the outside world. 770 never made a thanksgiving party! 2)
Rabbi Label Schapiro who is one of the top poskim and knowledgeable in all the writings of the Rebbe said clearly NO! Lubavitch should not part of it! And those that are quoting the Rebbe are taking it out of context.
Yossi A
This year at the Macys parade in Manhattan there will be a draidel balloon in honor of Chanukah.