Jewish Children All Over the World ‘Light It Up’
On November 11, 2013, 354 menorah sets were shipped to various destinations around the world. From California to Florida, from Nigeria all the way to Belgium, these packages were shipped to the students of the Jewish Online School who are participating for the first time ever in a global mission: “Light It Up.”
Although separated by miles of land and sea, the students unite together during their weekly classes, where they virtually see their teacher and friends and learn together. Now, the students are joining forces to accomplish a special mission. Once they receive their package of menorahs, students will search for other Jews in their local area with whom they can share the Menorah and message of Chanukah.
Over the eight days of Chanukah, 136 students plan to distribute over 354 menorahs. That means 12,744 new candles will be lit this Chanukah!
Haddassa, from San Francisco, CA, is extremely excited. “I can’t wait to “Light It Up!’’ I hung up a sign on our window that reads Happy Chanukah. The next day I saw on our neighbor’s window across the street, written in window chalk, “You too!” I know where one of my menorahs are going – my neighbor across the street!”
Last year, Yosef and Devorah Ruderman from Columbus, GA, lit the menorah on the local army base. Their father is the official chaplain on the base. Their photo was featured on the “Light It Up” brochure to be distributed worldwide. Acting on that inspiration, Yosef and Devorah’s family made a ‘Chanukar;’ they put a Menorah on top of their car and drove around town trying to distribute the Menorahs in their trunk. A soldier on the base noticed the Menorah and honked “Happy Hanukah.” Mrs. Ruderman motioned to him to pull on the side of the road, and the children gave him a Menorah. He was so excited! They also invited him for a Shabbat meal that week. The second Jew was their dentist whom they love. He is a retired lieutenant colonel. Then there “happened” to be a Jewish lady in the waiting room who they gave a Menorah to as well. “We are all on the lookout now with a car full of supplies,” says the Ruderman family, their trunk full of Menorahs.
Jacob G., of North Carolina, gave out one Menorah and wondered who to give out his other 2 Menorahs to. He went to the Jewish Family Services to get some help from them. They found him two families who wished to remain anonymous, he delivered the Menorahs to the center for them to receive, and more light was spread.
Hillel Anshel and Miriam, two siblings from Oregon, gave out a Menorah at a fair. A lady selling jewelry said her friend was Jewish, and that she thinks her friend would love the Menorah, so she would pass it on to her friend.
“Not only are the students lighting up the world physically with the extra candles they’re distributing, but they are also lighting up the world spiritually with goodness and kindness”, says Mushkie Lipsker, “The recipients of the Menorahs are certainly touched by the efforts these students are taking to get a Menorah to them in time for Chanukah.”
Although you might not have a mike, a webcam, or a Jewish Online School log in, you can join this campaign too! Give out a Menorah and add to the 12,744 additional lights to be lit this Chanukah.
For more information on the Jewish Online School, visit www.jewishonlineschool.com.
A special thank you to Rabbi Moshe Shemtov, Rabbi Yossi Goodman, Rabbi Angyalfi, Mrs. Chaya Margolin, Mushkie Lipsker, Devorie Hecht, Chayale Tifenbrun, Simi Shemtov, Adam Brooker, Avraham Green, Moshe Sufrin and Yanky Rosenblum of the Shluchim Office for helping out with this campaign.
thank you Shluchim office, for sticking to the real mission.
not just making noise, but actually doing Poiel Mamosh.
it is this Derech that has helped you grow to the Moisad you are today.
stick to the basics, and no need to focus on Humul Tumul.
amazing work JOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go devorah!
sara bigelman
go sara!
Omg amazing!!!!
So inspiring!
May we all take a lesson!
Nice to see young Jewish children spreading the light around the world!
online school
Always thinking of the best ideas!
Shluchim online school!you are amazing giving students a great way to spread the light
the rudermans
Thank you Mrs. Lipsker for your inspiration
Chayale Tiefenbrun
Chayale is the best graphic designer in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chayale Tiefenbrun we are proud of you!
Mushkie Lipskeir adds so much to the school it is truly amazing
Shluchim Office you did it again
Great job
This is great!!!
Shluchim office always has the best ideas
Chayale Tiefenbrun you are always amazing!!!!!!!!!
Great artist and desighner!!!!
Tiefenbruns are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chayale Tiefenbrun we miss you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love your little sis MIMI