George Rohr Announces Launch of Torah Think Tank
“Esen est zich, trinken trinkt zich, uber vos zol men ton az es lernt zich nisht” jotted down the legendary philanthropist, Mr. Sami Rohr A”H, in a message to shluchim for a 2016 International Kinus Hashluchim keynote address that he hoped to deliver.
“My father believed, not only in investing in Torah learning, but in those who learn in order to teach, and he cared deeply about shluchim learning” remarked his son, Mr. George Rohr, at JLI’s annual conference earlier this summer.
During his speech, George announced the launch of an exciting new initiative honoring his beloved father A”H, whose first yahrtzeit is today, the 17th of Av.
Machon Shmuel: The Sami Rohr Research Institute, under the auspices of The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute, has already begun serving dozens of shluchim worldwide with the experienced Torah scholarship of a dedicated team, providing thorough background research and comprehensive sources covering practically every topic in Torah literature.
“Between fundraising for a new building, delivering a weekly shiur, or finding sponsors for the Shabbos kidush, shluchim are constantly pressed for time” explained Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein, who heads Machon Shmuel’s team of scholars and is himself a shliach to Fair Lawn, NJ. “Machon Shmuel aims to relieve some of the pressure from the shliach’s workload by assisting him in preparing quality material for a shiur, sermon, or answers to a pressing question that comes his way.”
“It gives you access to the brilliance of a team of scholars who are there to help you research material and answer your questions in a most professional and detailed manner” said Rabbi Moshe Bryski, director of Chabad of the Conejo and the highly successful Conejo Jewish Academy.
Earlier this year, Rabbi Bryski was among a select group of shluchim chosen to pilot the program before its release. After experiencing it firsthand, he refers to Machon Shmuel as “a dream come true for those who devote much time to adult education.”
While we pray that Sami will be reunited with us well before his planned 2016 Kinus Hashluchim address, his message and gift to the shluchim is already being heeded as Shluchim and the many thousands of yidden they influence enjoy the tremendous Torah resources at their disposal—a well-suited zechus among countless others for Reb Shmuel A”H’s neshomah.
To register, go to http://machonshmuel.com/register.
Leading up to the yahrtzeit of Mr. Sami Rohr ע”ה today, 17 Menachem Av, Chabad.org published a selection of articles highlighting this very special person whose life is so deeply intertwined with Chabad-Lubavitch worldwide.
Readers can enjoy the likes of Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky’s “Seven Life Lessons Don Sami Taught Me,” plus additional moving accounts from others close to Mr. Rohr, including Rabbis Sholom B. Lipskar (Bal Harbour), Berel Lazar (Russia), Alfredo Goldschmidt (Bogotá, Colombia), as well as Mrs. Chana Kugel (nee Rosenfeld, Bogotá, Colombia), Rivkah Glazman (Riga) and many more. (Of course, this in addition to the powerful video highlights of his yechidus with the Rebbe and his speech at the kinus HaShluchim, courtesy JEM.)
Browse this special section at www.chabad.org/SamiRohr
i think there is a typo
Response to #1
this is not a type; he began writing his speech years in advance, anticipating that he would be there in 2016
finish the song
The song has another stanza that asks “vos zol men ton az es davent zich nisht” What next, a think tank for davenen? Ask the Shluchim what they need! They need the funding to continue their stellar work. They need the Bogolubav Foundation to be funded to allow the Shluchim to make weddings and other simchas in their place of Shlichus.
For everybody
Will Anash be allowed to have access to shiurim as well? Sami cared for EVERYBODY!!!