London Students Celebrate Green Sabbath

A London Imperial College Student helps cook for green Sabbath.

This past Friday night, 30 students from London’s Imperial College and other universities’ international study abroad programs celebrated an eco-friendly Sabbath with Chabad-Lubavitch of South Kensington.

Caroline Glassberg-Powell, a computing student at Imperial College, served as co-host and chef with math student Sam Gonshaw, preparing a kosher menu that consisted of a three-course vegan meal using only nationally-sourced, organic fruit and vegetables and non-disposable tablecloths.

“I wanted to hold this evening to raise awareness about where our food comes from and to get people thinking about their responsibilities towards the environment,” she said.

The meal came as part of the Chabad House’s series of themed Sabbath dinners that follow Friday night prayer services.

“We are excited about this surge of Jewish life on campus,” commented Chabad of South Kensington director Rabbi Mendy Loewenthal, noting that Jewish students are excited to take programming into their own hands.


  • Fans of Rabbi and Mrs. Loewenthal

    I am a student at Imperial College in South Kensington. I was blown away when you had your first Chanukah Menorah lighting. It touched my Jewish soul. There was NOTHING in South Kensington until you came. Thank you for all the Friday night dinners, the Sukkah dinners, the warmth and the Judaism you offer to me and other lost souls.
    Thank G-d for Chabad.

    From a lonely student.

  • Milhouse

    Oy vey. Noch a mishugaas. “Nationally sourced”?! So they had a policy of not buying the produce of Eretz Yisroel, even if it happened to be what they wanted and at a good price. That’s not exactly an aveira, but certainly not a Jewish way of looking at things.

    Nor, for that matter, is paying more for things just because they fill some completely arbitrary criterion like “organic”. Any chemist can tell you that all food is organic except water and salt.