Virginia Shluchim Host Workshop with R. Manis Friedman
“Thank you Rabbi Deitsch and Rabbi Friedman for this extraordinary day. Every Shliach I know needs a day – or a week! – like this one.” Those are the words of one of the grateful and inspired Shluchim who participated in Yom Iyun with Rabbi Manis Friedman last week.
The one-day seminar, hosted by Rabbi Sholom Deitsch of Chabad of NOVA in Fairfax, Virginia, was dedicated in memory of Rabbi Levi Deitsch obm, a beloved friend and fellow Shliach to the Yom Iyun participants. Rabbi Nochum Light of Chabad of Anne Arundel County, MD, co-sponsored the day in honor of the Shloshim of Rabbi Lipa Dubrowsky OBM, Shliach for over 20 years in Vancouver, BC.
Over 20 Shluchim from the greater Washington D.C. region were immersed from morning until night learning, discussing, and growing in their understanding of Chassidus and their connection to the Rebbe’s teachings.
Rabbi Friedman also addressed the impact Chassidus can have, when allowed to, on personal and family crisis and conferred with groups and individuals on the enormous challenge of maintaining personal growth while living each day for others.
A participating Shliach commented that he is “leaving with a head full of novel insights into Chassidus that I never thought of before.” He remarked that the most refreshing part of the day was the incredibly practical application of some of the deepest concepts in Chassidus to some of the hardest aspects of life as a Shliach.
One of the Shluchim left us with this:
“This will bring a long overdue, positive change to my husband life, my father life and my Shliach life!”
This is the seventh such Yom Iyun Rabbi Friedman has held for Shluchim over the past three years. According to Rabbi Friedman’s office, the next one is in the final planning stages.
I can’t express just how much I enjoyed this. I would urge shluchim all over to do this too. It doesn’t need to be RMF necessarily ( although its a great choice) but this sort of get together with sheves achim and wisdom together is very unique.
it seems that people are realizing that Rabbi Friedman has something to teach everyone! If you speak to Rabbi Friedman or hear him talk, your life changes. Period.
Yasher koach to Rabbi Deitsch!
Florida shliach
Looks like exactly what i need. When is there a Yom Iyun for shluchim in the Florida area??
How do we go about arranging such a session for shluchos?
Of course!
This is most refreshing.
Shluchim spend time regularly honing their interpersonal and fund-raising skills.
That they are now adding honing their spiritual skills and continuing their Torah education — is most gratifying.
More regional shluchim should be doing this program.
Most appreciative
I was at such a program in California. (In fact I think it may have been the first such program.) To be blunt, it was life-changing. I regret that we haven’t had another since then. I also feel very strongly that all Shluchim in all regions should have this type of program with Rabbi Friedman.
Maybe whichever of R’ Manis’ sons is running his schedule now can post information here about how to make it happen.
Parenthetically, it’s a travesty, in my opinion, that for decades we thought he was gods for women, baalei battim, fremdeh, etc. not realizing what we ourselves were missing out on!!!