Sukkos in Kharkov, Ukraine

Thousands of Jews shook the Arba Minim on Kharkov and the region this year. Mivtzoyim was done in the streets on Yom Tov and Chol Hamoed and at a special Simchas Beis Hashoeiva program.

Programs took place at the Shul on Pushkinskaya Street – with entertainers and a special children’s program.

Over 500 people and attended Simchas Beis Hashoeiva despite the cold. A Sukka mobile went during Chol Hamoed to the Kharkov periphery – and a special program was made for the Jews in Gluchov.

Mendel Moskovitz, Yaakov Yakimenko, Yehoshua and Ephraim Kolpak traveled for over 20 hours around Ukraine to bring the simcha of Sukkos to these Jews in small cities.