Campus Chabad Houses Host Regional Shabbatons

During the fall semester hundreds of students converged on Crown Heights for the Chabad on Campus International Student Shabbaton. Now, during the spring semester, Chabad Houses on campus, in conjunction with Chabad on Campus International Foundation, have been hosting regional Shabbatons across North America as part of the Chabad on Campus Intercollegiate Series.

According to Rabbi Yossy Gordon, Executive Vice President of Chabad on Campus, these Shabbatons “provide an exciting opportunity for students to enjoy an authentic Shabbat experience and feel tremendous pride in their Jewish identity along with hundreds of other Jews.”

Additional regional Shabbatons, including a Midwest Regional Shabbaton hosted by Chabad at University of Illinois in Champaign, are being planned for the upcoming weeks.

The following are some of the regional Shabbatons that took place over the last few weeks:

Canadian Shabbaton:

Chabad at University of Western Ontario, directed by Rabbi Mordechai and Nechamie Silberberg, hosted the first ever Canadian Regional Shabbaton, focusing on Ontario-area schools.

Welcomed by two hundred Western students at Chabad’s legendary Shabbat dinner, the more than thirty visiting students participated in a host of sessions led by the attending Shluchim and Shluchos, capped by a rousing version of Stump the Rabbi.

The students returned to their campuses on Sunday refreshed and inspired, many of them planning to keep in touch with their new friends.

West Coast Shabbaton:

More than 200 students from a dozen schools across California, Nevada and Arizona converged on the luxurious Orange County Hilton for a weekend of camaraderie, Jewish pride and education.

The delicious meals and snacks kept them well nourished and the intriguing choices of lectures and discussions piqued everyone’s interest. Special guest lecturers included Rabbi Simcha Weinstein, mega MLB sports agent and philanthropist Paul Cohen, IDF veteran Izzy Ezagui (the only soldier to redeploy after losing his arm in combat), Hollywood screenwriter David Weiss and former cult-member Yocheved Herrmann Blanton.

The Shabbaton was co-sponsored by AEPi, Swagbucks, Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies, Touro University – California, Nick Trading, Tzali’s and Catering by Orange Delight.

Texas Shabbaton:

Dozens of students from schools across the Great State of Texas celebrated their Judaism together at the Chabad House at Texas A&M University in College Station, directed by Rabbi Yossi and Manya Lazaroff.

The program began on Friday afternoon with candle lighting and a hilarious getting-to-know you game led by Rabbi Tzvi Drizin, followed by lively Shabbat services. Guest Scholar Dr. Binyamin Abrams captivated the crowd with his passionate study of science and religion. Students stayed in workshops and discussions until late at night.

Following a wonderful Shabbos, music and the smell of fabulous food kicked off the Saturday night program which was highlighted by an empowering presentation on the proper response to anti-Israel activity on campus by Neil Lazarus, sponsored by the Israeli Consulate.

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