Sumy B’Puraya – African Style

In Sumy Ukraine 120 Yidden celebrated the Purim Seuda African style with the local Shluchim Rabbi Yechiel Shlomo and Rochi Levitansky.

Before entering the hall the men all put on Tefillin, then each guest was warmly greeted and led to a washing station to do the first mitzvah of Purim. They were then welcomed into an African decorated room, enveloping them with the Purim atmosphere.

In order to unite everyone in the spirit of Purim each person was handed an African bandana to wear.Then they were led to a seat, where their shalach monos in a matching African style box, was waiting for them to switch with the people seated at their table. Before the megilla was read, everyone gave matonos La’evyonim in two pushkas at the table – thus fulfilling all the 4 mitzvos of Purim.

A comedian entertained the crowd with his jokes, competitions and games, involving everyone. The Ohr Avner kindergarten and school put on a magnificent show, awing the crowd with their performing and dancing abilities.

Other African entertainers came to put on shows including African acrobatics and an award winning beatboxer who made sounds using only his mouth fooling the crowd to think that it was a prerecorded symphony of musical instruments!

The event was enhanced with the presence of the Shluchim to Haditch, Rabbi Mendel Taichman and his wife and family who came to join the Seuda after their programs was over.

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