Blue Ash Residents Learn About the Afterlife
The Chabad Jewish Center Goldstein Family Learning Academy of Blue Ash Ohio hosted a lecture last Thursday, Feb 14, by World Renowned author and Lecturer, Rabbi Lazer Gurkow, titled, “So What Really Happens on the Other Side?”
“This is a subject much thought of, but little discussed,” said Rabbi Gurkow. “People often think of the finality of death and wonder if it is an end or a transition. They wonder whether Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah addresses the phenomenon of Near Death Experience. They wonder if there is a heaven and hell in Jewish thought. Rabbi Gurkow offered a glimpse into a world, often unknown, and painted a vivid portrait of the soul’s journey through life and the afterlife. Gifted with the ability to present the complex in easily understood language, Gurkow, who has lectured to audiences worldwide, spoke of the human spirit as he described the relationship between departed souls and their loved ones on earth.
“The 75 member audience walked away with real information about their future”, said Rabbi Yisroel Mangel, director of Chabad Blue Ask. They felt empowered and inspired, especially by the knowledge that their actions today can enrich their afterlife experience.
A prolific author, Gurkow has published more than 600 essays in print and online publications, many of which can be seen at www.innerstream.org. His newest book, Reaching for G-d; The Jewish Book of Self Help, is available on amazon.