A Shliach Not Home Alone

On Motzei Shabbos, while the Shluchos enjoyed the Kinus main Session, their husbands were at home babysitting… The Beis Medrash L’Shluchim brought Shluchim an innovative idea: A chance to hear “Motzei Shabbos stories” about the Rebbetzin recounted by R’ Mendel Notik – a Mashamesh BaKodesh in the Rebbe’s house.

Broadcasted live from a cubicle in Merkos Suite302 – A program which was meant to run from 9:00-10:30, was still going strong at 1:00 AM, emails with questions, comments, and thanks still streaming in.

“Her essence was devotion to the Rebbe! Her contribution to the world (and foremost to Chassidim) was the Rebbe”. She gave up on time with the Rebbe -which she always cherished- on meals with the Rebbe, and on her sleep hours -literally”

“She was up every night literally waiting for the Rebbe to come home – Yechidusen, Farbrengens, sometimes 12:00 AM others 3:00 AM” “She held Chassidim and Shluchim as her children, her devotion and care knew no bounds”

“She was in awe from the style of Mesirus Nefesh of the younger Shluchim, and she knew of real Mesiras Nefesh. Being the daughter of the Frierdiker Rebbe, and growing up in the house of the Rebbe Rashab just enhanced her respect for young Shluchim. At times she would get so emotional that she would stop talking…”

“The Rebbetzin was the epitome of Shleimus” “She was perfectly ready, on time, guarded her words, prepared to serve and help, truly caring for everyone”

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  • Parent

    Why do so many people call it “babysitting” when a father stays home with his kids?

  • Andrea Schonberger

    Dear #2, You are so totally right! I remember the time my mother got sick when my youngest brother was still in diapers. Our father was able to take time off from work to care for us and this was in the 1970’s so he had a very understanding employer as in those days there was no time off for family emergencies. After a few days he freaked out and brought our grandmother home to stay until my mother got better–the poor lady didn’t understand how a man was unable to care for children and do housework. So much for women’s lib!

  • Anash x2

    The exclusivity of programs like this must stop!

    Chassidim Ein Mishpacha!

    The general exclusivity of Shluchim vs. Anash is a horrible blight on Lubavtich and is causing a huge gap in our community.

    Please bridge the gap and help every Yid come closer to the Rebbe.

    • Shlucha

      So pay for it! I am sure shuchos and Shluchim would be more than happy to participate in any initiatives put on for all lubavitchers If Merkos is the one that comes up with the funds and staffing it is going to be geared to Shluchim. If you come up with the program, funds and staffing then you can decide who participates.

  • Babysitting Not

    When a father cares for his children, it’s not babysitting, it’s being a dad.

  • Wow I Feel So Sorry For Them

    Watching your own children is not babysitting. What’sit called when their wives are at home?

  • A friend

    Mendel Notik has many stories about the rebetzin and of the rebbe and was privy to a side of the rebbe’s life which none of us have ever seen, or probably would even of thought existed, i’m sure whom ever listened enjoyed.