Friendship Circle of Los Angeles Debuts “Think Big”

A true testament to the power of the human spirit. Libby Schneerson, who has Down’s Syndrome, and was a recipient of Friendship Circle of LA’s services for eight years, stepped up to the plate and decided to give back and become a volunteer.

Libby was awarded the competitive and prestigious Fellowship Award at the Evening of Recognition which took place in Beverly Hills, LA this past Wednesday, May 25. Libby has shown commitment and love to the children she has worked with.

Young and old were feasting their eyes on the enticing prizes being auctioned off Chinese style. From amazing getaways, tempting restaurants, irresistible electronics and skateboards everyone was hoping to be “the winner”!

The photo booth kept all the youngsters and teens entertained while they were trying out their antics in front of the camera.

The evening opened with warm remarks from Rabbi Michy Rav-Noy who kept the audience spellbound with a chilling story depicting how kindness always comes around full circle. He excitedly announced plans for the future expansion of the Friendship Circle headquarters.

Ariel Bernstein, an outstanding volunteer, shared with us her most enriching experience as one of the Friendship Circle family members.

Our guest of honor, Michelle Wolf, pointed out how appropriately our event was held on the 36th day of the counting of the Omer. According to Kabbalah this day contains within it the energy of Chesed She’Beyisod (kindness in foundation) so perfectly in tune with the motto of FC.

Our second guests of honor were Meyer and Raizy Brief. The focus of Mrs. Brief’s remarks was on the endless miracles Hashem showers upon the Jewish Nation. When we unite through our differences for the common goal of including our special children as valued members of our community the sky is the limit.

The highlight of the evening was our superstar-volunteer Libby Schneerson. Libby herself has special needs and is also the sister of a boy with special needs. Now as a teenager, she herself is the”special volunteer to her own little special friend“. All 420 guests lauded Libby with a standing ovation! When the thunderous applause finally died down, you could hear a pin drop as people were wiping their tears and clearing the lumps that had formed in their throats.

Seizing the moment, Rabbi Michy proceeded with a live appeal generating a very positive response from the audience.

A special tribute was presented to Brian Appel for his long term friendship and support of Friendship Circle. He has rallied his friends in support of Friendship Circle and together they donated two cars and numerous computers to help us do our jobs as efficiently as possible.

23 volunteers were presented with the Fellowship Award for their outstanding commitment and for going the extra mile to educate themselves about their special friends.

Mrs. Miriam Rav-noy emphasized the importance of a person’s individuality through his name.

The electrifying evening concluded with a roll call showcasing 315 dedicated volunteers from 45 schools across the city.