With Purim fast approaching, the hardworking staff at Chabad of McGill were planning their trademark ‘best in town’ Purim event. Decorations were ordered. Flights for the performer - up and coming Chassidic hip-hop artist, DeScribe - were booked. Menu was drafted. Volunteers were set to go.

Purim @ McGill: Beyond Standard Joy

With Purim fast approaching, the hardworking staff at Chabad of McGill were planning their trademark ‘best in town’ Purim event. Decorations were ordered. Flights for the performer – up and coming Chassidic hip-hop artist, DeScribe – were booked. Menu was drafted. Volunteers were set to go.

Then, everything came to a brief, but amazing halt! The Rabbi and Rebbetzin, Rabbi Shmuly and Rashi Weiss gave birth to their firstborn son!

Purim was momentarily moved to the back burner as the celebration of new life was now center stage. Family and friends. Students and alumni. Everyone expressed their joy for the Chabad McGill family!

Then, back to work! Only this time, It wasn’t just about throwing a Purim party for hundreds of students. A Shalom Zachor and Bris – which would be on Purim – were now on the agenda.

Mission Wild Weekend was officially launched!

With the new parents tending to their bundle of joy, Levi Margolin – Chabad at McGill’s devoted Assistant to the Directors and stand-in chef, stand-in Rabbi or stand-in anything – stepped up to the plate. Dozens of students stopped by to help with Shabbos and Purim preparations.

As Shabbos rolled in 8 pounds of rice, 17 chickens, dips and salads galore, 36 challahs, 8 bags of green beans, 12 rolls of gefilte fish and two huge pots of chicken soup awaited the masses.

Food and seats were set for an army. An army and the reserves showed up! The food supply dwindled fast as roughly 275 students came to show their love to Shmuly and Rashi.

“It means so much to us that all the students came to the Shalom Zachor” said Shmuly Weiss. “For many it was their first time at a Shalom Zachor, and we are so honored and humbled at the turnout, there must have been an extra 150 people there!” he added.

As Shabbos came to a close, volunteer teams got into place. One to decorate. One to move furniture. One would manage the kitchen. One hour of time. Conquered! 9:30 PM. Saturday night, March 19th. Chabad of McGill. DeScribe in the house. Let the party begin!

“The Jewish students at McGill are the greatest! You can always count on them for help” said Rashi Weiss. “I knew that even with me not being there, Shmuly, Levi and the students would throw an amazing Purim party.”

Six hours and 425 people later, the evening finally came to a close. In the morning, the doors of Chabad House would swing open hundreds of times once more as Jewish McGillers would celebrate a special Purim Bris.

As the cleanup crew – reserved special for the weekend – tried as hard as they could to figure out how the same people could party the same hard two nights in a row, Chabad prepared for Purim Weekend Round Four: Project Bris.

Baby, Mom and Mohel had arrived, time to get the show on the road. But where? Is there even room for the Mohel to work? Nope. time to shuffle about 300 people around.

All set and done it seems new baby, Tzvi Hirsh, was even amazed by the energy, the crowds and the simcha at Chabad House in the the three days prior!

Jesse Tepperman, a second year student from Toronto couldn’t have been happier to be there. “It was a true weekend of celebration for the Jewish students at McGill. We are all so inspired by the tireless work and extreme devotion of Shmuly and Rashi Weiss to us Jewish McGillers” he said. “They always provide us with a true sense of Jewish pride and a much needed Jewish home-away-from-home!”

“Of course, having Levi around has been a much welcomed addition to Chabad” Tepperman added. “His efforts this weekend, and all year, have not gone unnoticed.”

Proof to the devotion and unique relationships created at Chabad McGill are the dozen former students who travelled from far – Paris, London, Vienna and Mexico City – and near – New York, Boston, London, ON and Toronto – to celebrate with their Rabbi and Rebbetzin.

But more importantly, to celebrate with two of their best-friends.


  • Purim

    picture 7 is so funny, I so love that everyone dressed up at this party. Cool costumes!

  • Levi

    Margolin where R U? why no pictures of U! keep up the good work at Uni looks crazy

  • dscribe

    De-Scribe was there? great new FC song,,,,
    is he in any of the pictures? there are so many people I cant tell

  • rocky

    wowza the graffitti is soo coool! I wonder who the artist is? maybe she can make it a businesss????

  • Mazel Tov

    What an incredible way to spend Purim! This is such an inspirational story I must say. I think having 12 guests over for Shabbos is a lot, but to have shabbos meal, shalom zochar, Purim party, and bris all in 3 days is unbelievable. How did you do it? give us your secret! Mazel Tov Mazel Tov!

  • Liba Gurary

    GOOOOOOO Freida’le!!!! WHOOHOOOO!!!Your decorations are amazing!
    You seem to be in the hands of incredible shluchim! hope you’re enjoying every minute up there

  • Response

    Chabad on Campus is the most incredible program
    It’s nice to hear that the students help out and are interactive! Mazal Tov to the entire family. Only brochos and simchas