The Only Kosher Kitchen in Parana Inaugurated!

PARANA, Brazil [CHI] — It was on the second night of Chanukah, when the official inauguration of the brand new state-of-the-art commercial kitchen, was celebrated.

The commercial Kosher kitchen – the only one in the state of Parana – boasts four separate sections, Meat, Dairy, Pareve, and a special Pesach kitchen.

The Kosher Kitchen produces high quality Challas, cakes, pastries, bread, even its own inventions such as “Sarah’s Matzazinha´s”, and so does it offer catering (It´s first Kosher wedding is planned for six weeks from now).

Orders are called in from the entire state and surrounding areas, for this is the only Kosher establishment available. It also serves tourists and visitors throughout the year.

The program began with the lighting of the Menorah by Rabbi Yoseph Dubrawsky, head shliach to the state of Parana, who thanked Hashem for the miracles that have been performed in those days, as well as the modern miracles done in our days, and thanked all those that have donated time and money to make this a reality.

Shlucha TIla Dubrawsky – who was the driving force behind the project – noted how it was mostly the woman that got the project going, for the woman is the “Akeres Habayis”.

The president of the Beit Chabad Dr. Yehoshua Grupenmacher spoke about the importance of Kosher, and even more so in todays modern times. Mrs. Sofia Kupper spoke about her start of eating Kosher meat, And Mrs. Elisete Aronis who just Koshered her kitchen a week before, spoke about the experience and satisfaction it has brought to her home and family. Dr. Bernardo Rzeznik thanked all those that contributed, for their generosity and vision in bringing kosher to so many.

The three major contributors to the project were: Mr. Saul Zugman, Dr. Moyses & Dora Becher and Mr. Samuel & Helena Grimbaum. after the plaques were uncovered, the crowd enjoyed a most delicious cocktail, from where else? the brand new Kosher kitchen.

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