Garden Island

Richard Siegel stitches the final stitch of the orthodox kosher torah scroll, under the watchful eye of Rabbi Michoel Goldman, at Papa‘a Bay Ranch on Wednesday.

Kilauea, HI — A huge simcha (celebration) was held at Papa‘a Bay Ranch on Wednesday.

The celebration marked the arrival and blessing of the first orthodox torah scroll made in Israel specially for Chabad of Kaua‘i, members said.

Kaua‘i Gets It’s First Torah Scroll

Garden Island

Richard Siegel stitches the final stitch of the orthodox kosher torah scroll, under the watchful eye of Rabbi Michoel Goldman, at Papa‘a Bay Ranch on Wednesday.

Kilauea, HI — A huge simcha (celebration) was held at Papa‘a Bay Ranch on Wednesday.

The celebration marked the arrival and blessing of the first orthodox torah scroll made in Israel specially for Chabad of Kaua‘i, members said.

There are other Jewish congregations on Kauai, notably the Jewish Community of Kaua‘i, however, this is the only orthodox Jewish congregation.

The blessing had a Hawaiian flavor as well, as kumu Kelvin Ho participated in the event, along with some of his Native Hawaiian students.

Gabbi (rabbi’s helper) Richard Siegel stitched the final stitch of the orthodox kosher torah scroll, to symbolically mark its completion, under the watchful eye of Rabbi Michoel Goldman.

The new owners of Papa‘a Bay Ranch are orthodox Jews from San Francisco, and made their property available for the event.


  • Original Kauai Rabbi

    I became frum on Kauai in the Kalalau Valley.

    Moshe Yahoo where are you?!

  • Someone that was there

    Reb Mihoel did it again! May Gd bless you and you should be able to increase in the amazing work you to there!

  • Michoel G

    Thanks for the Chizuk.
    Photo Gallery will be posted on our website soon…
    R’ Moshe Blatt is probably in India now.
    Get in touch (via website) I’ll give u contact info.
    Donate page is there too!
    This whole thing is Min HaShomayim.
    Miracle after Miracle.
    Moshiach now!