English Camps Provide Fun-Packed Summer

Some 1500 children attended Jewish Summer day camps organised by Chabad Lubavitch centres in London, Edgware, Ilford, Wimbledon, Bournemouth, Leeds, Birmingham and Manchester.

Children from all religious backgrounds enjoyed a huge array of educational and recreational activities organised and run by experienced camp leaders and counsellors from the UK, USA, France, Belgium and Israel.

Rabbi Bentzi Sudak, chief executive of Chabad Lubavitch UK, commented on the growing numbers of children enrolled into camps across the UK, saying: “This is crucial step in insuring another generation of Jewish children who are excited about their Jewishness and Judaism. The numbers this year confirm Chabad Lubavitch as one of the largest providers of fun-filled Summer activities for Jewish children in the UK.”

London’s Lubavitch Day Camp had record numbers this year with over 400 children enrolled.

“It has been an incredible summer camp this year – our biggest yet!” says Rabbi Shmuly Karasik who runs the camp with his wife Chana.

This year’s theme was the coming month of Tishrei, which includes the High Holidays.

“The children were imbued with the joys of Tishrei,” said Chana Karasik. “We experienced Tishrei like never before with tashlich wading, apple picking, honey making, crafting Shofars, learning about the lulav and etrog and the excitement of Sukkot.”

North Manchester’s Lubavitch Day Camp also experience unprecedented numbers.

“When we started to run the camp 12 years ago there were only between 40 and 60 children,” says Rabbi Levi Wineberg, camp director. “Now we have over 500.”

“The ten percent increase over last year is a reflection of our non-judgemental approach and our acceptance of every Jewish child regardless of their level of observance,” adds Rivka Wineberg.

The camp takes pride in the fact that it represents the full spectrum of Manchester’s Jewish community.

“We have children from both Jewish and non-Jewish schools. They all thrive, flourish and get along with each other wonderfully,” says Rabbi Wineberg.

In South Manchester Day Camp, some 50 children enjoyed a wide variety of arts and crafts activities, trips and a family BBQ.

“By coming to our camp, the children get to experience a Jewish environment and take pride in their heritage,“ says Louise Weinberg who runs the camp with Rochel Jaffe.

”There is a lot of competition for children’s attention over the summer. If they didn’t come to us, they would be going to a tennis camp or a football camp.”

“Camp has been amazing” said one camper at Camp Gan Israel Ilford, organised by Rabbi Odom and Henry Brandman and Rivky Kesselman, head counsellor.

One parent said: “Last summer my child spent one week at Chabad and one week at another camp. He said that this summer he only wants to go to Chabad!”

Edgware’s Camp Gan Israel had close to 150 children in attendance over a three week period.

“We enjoyed activities such as trips to Adventure Island, Woburn Safari Park and Gulliver’s Land, as well as sports, arts and crafts and a carnival,” says Rabbi Yaron Jacobs, camp director.

From www.chabad.org.uk


  • Sheffield fan!

    Hey how rude to miss out Sheffield! From what I hear, Sheffield had an awesome Gan Yisroel Day Camp this year! Go Sheffield! Rabbi & Mrs. Golomb you rock!!!!

  • cgi ilford :)

    go ilford !!! rivkyyyyyy well done camp rocked !!!
    and chayale hahahahahahah guess manchester just couldnt live up to mighty mighty ilford ;)

  • Bester friend

    Devorah leah I spot you – amazing counsellor I wish I was in your bunk!!! Go devorah leah!!!


    Well done Rabbi and Mrs Wineberg you did a fantastic job – camp was amazing!!

  • CGI fan!

    Some great pictures from 3 great day camps!
    Rivky you did a great job!
    Dubov girls and Chaya well done! Looks like fun!
    London, SH looks like there were lots of fun activities.

    Such a shame there are NO photos from Manchester Day camps! Wineberg Family you did an AMAZING job, you had great head counsellors (woo Chayale and Penina) and so many kids KAH

    Overnight was also a huge success and should get a mention!

    May camp grow and grow each year wherever they are!

  • go cgi stamford hill!

    i had a gr8 time – all the people who are saying ‘go cgi ilford’ don’t even understand what fun you can have in day camp!

    chana and shmuly, you people are incredible!!!!

    love, a camper and cousin!!!!!!!

  • Friend

    I spot esther golda!!
    Well done esther golda for being head counsellor in Stamford hill day camp,
    you did a great job…the kids loved it!!!!!

    well done!!!!!!!


    BEST HEAD COUNSELLOR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ILFOrD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • benson !!!!!

    benny !!!!! we love u !!!! cgi ilford u are very lucky to have devorah leah she rocks :) ooo ps your a stunner girl america misses your beauty !!!

  • london dont take credit for manchester

    manchester cgi rocks all thanks to the winebergs and the amazing fantastic councilors!!!!!

  • Friend

    Go Manchester and London!!!!totally ro kkkkkkk:):):).))::)).).).).),;););););););););););));););));););)!;);!!!;!;!!!

  • london counsler

    london was deff the best!! we had so much fun! with the best head -counslers and counslers!! miss you all!!