Camp GIGA Enjoys Trip to New York

After three weeks of a fun-packed experience in New York, campers of GIGA – Gan Israel Germany in America headed back to Germany to tell family and friends of their amazing experience.

The four Bochurim who ran the camp – Yossef Y Gruzman, Shmulik Gurevitch, Levi Pruss and Levi Wolff – report the success of the camp to be truly beyond expectation. The change in the campers was clear, their love and appreciation for Yiddishkeit has clearly flourished.

The campers enjoyed daily sports and activities; every day brought new adventures. The trips included whitewater rafting, paintball shooting and a grand trip to six flags. The Shabbaton in NYC/Crown Heights will always be remembered. Learning to daven and the daily Torah Club gave the boys the opportunity to advance within their heritage.

In the words of one of the campers at the banquet: “I can’t believe that this group of four produced the amazing summer experience we’ve had. We will defiantly not forget this summer, it revealed a entire new world to us.” Many boys promised they’d be back next year, along with many new campers.

The camp is expected to grow tremendously next summer and the organizers are preparing to plan accordingly.