Chabad Makes Summer BBQ for the Homeless

Close to 500 Homeless individuals attend a BBQ, hosted by the Chabad Student Network . Close to 25 students gave up hours of their weekend to give back to the community. The BBQ was organized by Ariella Singer Vice President of the CSN ( Chabad Student Network) and was sponsored by generous donors in the Ottawa Jewish community.

Plans are being made to organize many similar events for the less fortunate. In Sept. the Ilana Belfer, the community service coordinator is organizing an event at the Rideau Perely Veterans home. According to Ariella Singer, “the event was a huge success. It rained all day , and stopped for 2 hours, so that we can do our Mitzva”


  • Wow!!!!!!

    This is truly amazing and just great!! This mkes me so proud and happy to see care for people in need. Hashem should bless everyone who volunteered with blessing overflowing.
    Thank you Crown Heights Info for reporting such an important story.

  • Malkie

    This is our Rabbi Chaim and the Boyarsky’s at their best, just heart, love and an angel who is walking among us.
    Love you always!!!!
    You make everybody smile and love

  • amazing!

    unbleiveable!! :)
    good job, keep up the good work!!
    u should go from strength to stregth..