Italy: First Regional Kinus Hashluchim Since 1990

MILAN, Italy [CHI] — Chabad Rabbis from all over Italy came together in a historic conference, for the first time in nearly 20 years, to discuss how to increase cooperation and create new projects in common.

The day began with a study of a discourse of the Rebbe and then continue with the report of the activities of each participant which lasted until lunchtime. Le attività esposte erano da lezioni e Shabbatonim, lezioni online, educazione scolastica, servizi come Sofer, Mohel, Chevra Kadisha, stampa di libri, aiuti finanziari e pacchi di cibo per le feste, ecc… The activities were exposed to lectures and Shabbatonim, online classes, school education, services such as Sofer, mohel, Chevra Kadish, book printing, financial assistance and food parcels for the holidays, etc. …

After lunch we discussed ideas for new projects, including a weekend national center for research into Chachamim Italians, a system to centralize information on lessons and activities, new ways to explain certain Mitzvot to the public, etc …

Infine sono stati istituiti due commissioni che prenderanno decisioni, una commissione per le decisioni rabbiniche (Vaad Harabanim) composta dai rabbini GM Garelik, M. Finally, two committees were set up and make decisions, a committee for decisions rabbi (Vaada Harabanim) composed by the rabbis GM Garelik, M. Lazar, I. Lazar, I. Belinov, Y. Belinov, Y. Hadad e S. Hadad and S. Rodal e una commissione per le decisioni riguardo le attività (Vaad Hashluchim) composta dai rabbini S. Rodal and a commission for decisions about the activities (Vaada Hashluchim) composed by the rabbis S. Bechor, E. Bechor, E. Borenstein, A. Borenstein, A. Hazan, Igal Hazan, Itzchak Hazan e M. Hazan, Igal Hazan, Hazan Itzchak and M. Shaikewitz. Shaikewitz.

Several rabbis were prevented from taking part I. Belinov, Yeshua Hadad, M. Belinov, Yeshua Hadad, M. Gansburg, Shlomo Hadad, Itzchak Hazan e R. Gansburg, Shlomo Hadad, Itzchak and R. Hazan Canarutto. Canarutto.