Chabad Hosts Chanukah Party at Australian Parliament

The 4th candle of Chanukah Menorah was lit in the Victorian Parliament House by the Shliach of Chabad of the Melbourne Central Business District (CBD), in attendance were the Deputy Premier of Victoria Rob Hull and the leader of the opposition Ted Baillieu, as well as other ministers and members of parliament and leaders of the Melbourne Jewish community.

The celebration started with the speech by the master of Ceremony Rabbi Meir Shlomo Kluwgant explaining the significance of the Pronouncement of The Miracles taking place in Parliament demonstrating the freedom of religion prevailing in Australia in contrast to the suffering of the Jews throughout the generations while residing in other countries.

Rabbi Kluwgant then invited the chief emissary of the Chabad of the Melbourne Central Business District, Rabbi Chaim Herzog who at length explained the evolvement of the festival of Chanukah.

Rabbi Herzog explained that this festival teaches us of the need to ensure that the light overshadows the darkness especially when the deeds of the terrorists may their memory be erased make the darkness so plain to see. He then invited the Deputy Premier of Victoria to address the gathering, in his speech he praised the work of Rabbi Herzog and his assistants, who aid him in his work on behalf of Chabad , encouraging Melbourne Jewry and by that encouraging the entire population of Victoria. He also told the gathering that Jews resided in Victoria even before Australia became a nation and that the first synagogue in Victoria was situated in the centre of town not far from where they were now gathered, in Parliament House. It was built by Jews who were already then leaders in Australia.

The leader of the opposition Ted Baillieu was then invited to speak, he told the gathering that in relation to Parliament House, this house demonstrates that freedom and democracy arrived here 160 years ago, which like Chanukah demonstrates the victory of light over darkness, therefore itโ€™s appropriate that it be celebrated in this building, Mr Baillieu spoke of his trip to Israel, where he visited the Yad Vashem holocaust memorial centre, in which the darkness and the suffering which the Jews endured, therefore the festival of Chanukah will bring the light on the nations to ensure no repetition of such events. Finally he commended the work of Rabbi Herzog in promoting the festival of Chanukah.

The main speaker for the night, Rabbi Yossel Gutnick was then invited to address the gathering, he spoke of what the Rebbe told the then Israel UN Ambassador, now Prime Minister, Binyamin Nethanyahu. The Rebbe told Mr Nethanyahu that the hall where he was working in the UN, was full of darkness and he should light a small candle to nullify the darkness on Chanukah the small candles nullify the darkness in the world, Rabbi Gutnick also thanked Rabbi Herzog for the success of his wonderful work in the Central Business District where he is the only emissary in the business district. They then lit the Chanukiah and Chazzan Shimon Wallas entertained the guests with songs. The evening concluded with a cocktail party.


  • CH Good News

    Very nice peulah Chaim, keep up the good work!

    PS Were the “pontchkes” from Glicks or Heimishe?

  • MVH

    “Australian Parliament”? When did the Australian Parliament move to Melbourne?! The article says it was at the Victorian Parliament, not the Australian one, which makes sense since that IS in Melbourne, and it would explain why only state politicians were there.