Copenhagen Chanukah at the UN Climate Summit

The climate Conference in Copenhagen is now over, and with it the Chanukah activities at Chabad of Denmark. With 50,000 participants from the world over, 120 world leaders, lots of protesters and of course media personnel, there was a fair amount of Jewish participation at this 2 week long summit.

Due to the lack of hotel rooms in Copenhagen, the Chabad house offered hospitality. From an Israeli television crew, to businessman, to Jewish student protesters against ahmajinihad (he was also in town), each day there was a crowd.

Chabad made available various jewish services for the conference participants. Kosher food was delivered to many individuals and groups, including members of Mayer Bloomberg’s delegation, as well as a special delivery of sufganiyot, menorah, challot and wine for Mr. President Shimon Peres and his delegation.

The highlight of the Chanukah Celebrations was a grand Menorah lighting at the main Climate exhibition on the main Square. An environmentally friendly Menorah made from scrap Metal was designed and built by Israeli artist Zohar Gev. The menorah was then lit every evening at Israels plads – or israels square, next to the monument commemorating the Danish rescue of its countries Jews during world war two.

At the celebration on the main square, the crowd of some 700 was addressed by local dignitaries, the president of the Jewish Community, The Israeli ambassador, and the Head of the Israeli NGO delegation to the climate conference. Hot Chocolate and donuts were distributed as well as gifts for all the children. Following a fire show and music, some of the crowd moved over to Chabad huset for a fantastic indoor party.

About 200 people enjoyed a chanukah video show, activities for the children and delicious food for all.

Throughout Chanukah, a variety of other events took place, including special Climate Shabbat meals, where a guest speaker spoke about the connection between the environment and Shabbat, daily indoor and outdoor lightings, and chanuka parties and gatherings. A bicycle rickshaw was also decked with a menorah and travelled through Copenhagen, bringing the message of Chanukah, menorahs, donuts and hot drinks to many.

These and other activities were ably assisted by a dedicated group of bochurim from the yeshiva in Brounouy, Mendel Kranz, Dovi Gopin, Sholom Ber Pewsner, Binyomin Kluwgant, Zev Steinnmetz, and locals Yossi Cadaner and Levi Loewenthal.