Unique Stone Chanukah Menorah

Construction is currently underway at Chabad of Curitiba, Brazil; on an exciting new Menorah. Being that this year reached a milestone of 120 years of the immigration of the first Jews to the state; a Menorah is being constructed from 120 stones, each stone representing another year. Every stone has golden numbers attached, with a year.

On a year that has had a special event, such as the first Jew born, or the Jewish school inaugurated, the start of new Jewish organization etc. will have the event attached to the stone, corresponding to that year.

Individuals and organizations in the city are all gathering information to be included in this historic Menorah.

“The idea is, to unite all the Jewish organizations, and to demonstrate how together, starting from the first Jews who arrived to the city, in 1889 to the present day, are lighting up the city with the spiritual light of Torah and Mitzvot”, Said Rabbi Dubrawsky, director of Chabad in Curitiba.

The Menorah will be lit in the center of the city, right in front of the usual giant menorah, on Sunday December 13, in a grand ceremony with music, games and Latkes.

Candles for every home

On the other part of town, children are working tirelessly on packing hundreds of boxes of candles to be distributed by dozens of volunteers to ensure that no home will be left without the warmth and the light of the Chanukah candles.

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