Largest Group of Merkos Shluchim in New Zealand

CANTERBURY, New Zealand [CHI] — Fourteen Rabbinical Students returned to the Chabad headquarters in Canterbury, after spending their Pesach in Cities throughout the Island, organizing Sedorim, distribiuting Matzah and other Pesach essentials. “this was the most efective Pesach Shlichus ever” said Berri Spitezki, who coordinated the Islandwide Shlichus.

“Some 20,000 Israeli backpackers tour the Country each year” says Mrs. Sara Goldstein, Co-Director of Chabad of New Zealand, “Everyone feels at home here, and many find it hard to leave”.

The Chabad House has become the centre point for the Jewish traveler in the Country and serves as the rescores centre for all things Jewish in this remote land. Support for Pesach has come from Rabbi Yossef Yitzchok and Stera Gutnik, Rabbi Mottel and Esther Feiglin and Rabbis Moshe and Mendel Kotlarsky from Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch.


  • Rebbes army

    Is this the way the Rebbe wants to see his Chassidim dress?? We all know the answer. Especially the Rebbe’s (Shluchim) Army. Gabi Holtzberg HY”D was never seen with a proste levush except when he was shechting

  • the real deal

    Wheres Yisroel Pekar? he’s probably doing Shlichus like he went there for, unlike the others…

  • Levi

    To the Rebbe’s Army: The Rebbe always looked in a positive way! these Bochurim are mostly Baalei Teshuva Through Shluchim of the Rebbe in New Zealand. May we merit the complete redemption of Moshiach Tzidkeinu NOW!