POUGHKEEPSIE, NY [CHI] — Rabbi Hanoch Hecht and members of the Jewish community of Rhinebeck, New York will ascend in hot air balloons to Rabbi Takes Congregation in Hot Air Ballons.

Birkas HaChama (the blessing of the sun) is a ceremony in which Jews recite a blessing on the Sun as it returns to the place it was appointed during Creation. It occurs every 28 years and always on a Wednesday.

Shliach to take Cong. in Hot Air Balloons for Birkas HaChama

POUGHKEEPSIE, NY [CHI] — Rabbi Hanoch Hecht and members of the Jewish community of Rhinebeck, New York will ascend in hot air balloons to Rabbi Takes Congregation in Hot Air Ballons.

Birkas HaChama (the blessing of the sun) is a ceremony in which Jews recite a blessing on the Sun as it returns to the place it was appointed during Creation. It occurs every 28 years and always on a Wednesday.

The congregation will set out to perform the cermony from James Beard Park in Rhinbeck at 6:00 AM, Wednesday April 8th.


  • kewl!

    wow! talk about a shliach taking things to the next level! Hatzlocha Raba and keep up the great work!

  • not so sure

    whos paying for it?
    one ride costs $280 dollars for a single person. if this is what my tzedaka money is going to support…well its really a waste of money.

  • Not me

    Somehow I feel more then just Birkas HaChama will be said. Looking down from two thousand feet in a ballon I believe will inspire other bruchas perhaps some new ones.

  • yes

    this is inspired i like it…how come peoples first reaction is to knock what hes doing i think its excellent a least hes spending your tzedakah money on a mitzvah rather then a fancy car or plasma tv etc

  • Up up and oy vey

    It’s not the $280 it’s the payment in advance that worries me.

  • Answer to Not so sure

    Don’t worry “Not so sure” I’m sure you don’t give enough tzedaka to cover this event!
    Keep up the great work Rabbi and Rebbitzin Hecht!

  • Boruch N. Hoffinger

    What’s the reason?
    If you can’t see the sun clearly, might it
    Is it just a ‘joy ride?’
    What’s the connection with the Mitzvah?

  • Welldone

    Nowadays you have to be really creative to inspire your congregants. Yasher koach to a shliach who is going to create such a memorable experience that the participants will remember it for the rest of their lives!

  • MYOB

    to ‘NOT SO SURE’: DONT JUGDE!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe it’s being SPONSORED by someone else…your tzeddakah is safe…

  • The Dubovs

    This is a great idea! Finally there is an event that is perfect for someone who likes to get up b4 the sun! Too bad he has to wait 28 years for the next one.
    Keep up the great work!