ROSTOV, Russia [CHI] — Purim in Rostov was celebrated this year with a wide array of programs for all ages. The main event took place in the Shul and was attended by over 300 people. The evening started with opening remarks from the new Shliach Rabbi Chaim Danzinger who arrived in Rostov three weeks ago.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Purim in Rostov!

ROSTOV, Russia [CHI] — Purim in Rostov was celebrated this year with a wide array of programs for all ages. The main event took place in the Shul and was attended by over 300 people. The evening started with opening remarks from the new Shliach Rabbi Chaim Danzinger who arrived in Rostov three weeks ago.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

After Megilah reading everyone enjoyed a special Purim Shpiel performed by the students of the Or Avner Jewish Day School as well as live music, cotton candy, face painting, art projects, a balloon man and of course lots of L’Chaim and refreshments.

In school the children enjoyed a lively Purim Party with a Purim Shpiel competition between all the classes.

A separate Purim party and Seuda was arranged for the elderly as well as a party at the Jewish preschool. The Jewish Youth Club held a separate party for students and young professionals attended by over 100 people.

When contacted, Rabbi Danzinger remarked that he is thrilled with the turnout and is looking forward to reaching out to even more Jewish people in the near future.