Kinus HaShluchim of the West Coast

LOS ANGELES, CA [CHI] — Marking 40 years to the establishment of the first Chabad House, this year’s Kinus HaShluchim of the West Coast took place in that first Chabad house in UCLA Village, one of the many replicas of 770 located at 741 Gayley Avenue in Los Angeles. Shluchim from up and down the coast made their way to participate.

Huge gallery in the Extended Article!

The Kinus opened up with a “Yeshiva Day” where the Shluchim heard from Rabbi Avrohom Zajac who gave a Shuir on Birchas Hachama, Rabbi Mendel Lipsker who gave a Shiur on Hilchos Shabbos with an emphasis on the Halochos of ‘Amira Lenochri’, Rabbi Levi Zirkind who gave a Shiur on DNA and Halacha and Rabbi Yosef Loschak who gave a Shiur on the Halocos of Burial and Cremation and how they relate to the reciting of Kaddish.

A 45 minute video of a Farbrengen from the 13th of Tishrei 5748 with the Rebbe was played where the Rebbe gave over a Sicha on Hakhel, after which the Shluchim posed for a group photo.

Dinner was humorously emceed by Rabbi Alter Tenenbaum who called up Rabbi Tzali Stillerman to recite the Rebbes Kapitel, followed by a D’var Malchus by Rabbi Ezra Shochet, the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Ohr Elchonon Chabad.

In tribute to the 40 years of Chabad of California’s activities in LA a video which was made over 30 years ago, which depicted the activities of Chabad, was played.

Rabbi Josh Gordon spoke Divrei Hisorerus to the Shluchim followed by an address by Rabbi Boruch Shlomo Cunin in which he made a Menachem Avel call on behalf of all the Shluchim who gathered to the Wolowik family. The keynote address was delivered by Moshe Feller.

Over the course of the dinner Shluchim got up and gave Field Reports of the their activities in the their areas and Chabad houses including Las Vegas, SDU, UCLA, Tarzana, Running Springs, Irvine and Napa Valley.

The dinner concluded with benching which was recited by Rabbi Mendel Cohen. Shluchim then sat down for a Farbrengen which went into in the late hours of the night.

Following Shacharis on the second day of Kinus the Shluchim got their first in a series of lessons from Mr. Michal Gerber, an expert on business and marketing strategies, aimed at helping Shluchim change and improve their image and maximize the return on outreach efforts.


  • TONY

    with all the shluchim in California in one room it makes me come to the conclusion THE GUYS IN THE VALLEY ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!

  • Larry Gutfriend

    Wow! So many smiling shluhcim, happy to be with each other.
    G-d is smiling down on you.
    Chabad of California is a kidush Hashem barabim.
    PS. vuhss epes so many treos/blackberrys–not one iphone?
    I expected more from California.
    nu nu, we’re fuhrt in galus.

  • from cali

    In Cali we know we only go for the best and the Carrier for IPHONE!!!!!!!! i don’t know so there for only treo/blackberry and other phones on thos Carrier