CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — During this year's Kinus HaShluchos, the myShliach mentoring program's booth was abuzz with over 1000 Shluchos collecting information about current programs and watching their children in a promotional video. Parents shared their excitement over the program's impact in their children's lives. Mrs. Pearl Krasiansky, Shlucha to Hawaii, says of her son, “I have never seen him so motivated! Baruch Hashem!”

myShliach Doubles Membership at Kinus HaShluchos

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — During this year’s Kinus HaShluchos, the myShliach mentoring program’s booth was abuzz with over 1000 Shluchos collecting information about current programs and watching their children in a promotional video. Parents shared their excitement over the program’s impact in their children’s lives. Mrs. Pearl Krasiansky, Shlucha to Hawaii, says of her son, “I have never seen him so motivated! Baruch Hashem!”

300 of myShliach’s 500 members are newly registered children of Shluchos who were in attendance at this year’s Kinus. The myShliach program provides children a friend, chavrusa, and role model with whom to speak. Within the mentoring program, there is a weekly session in which the children chat, learn, and Farbreng over the phone with their “big brother” or “big sister.”

This year, myShliach shared its booth with the wildly successful “Hachayol” program, a joint venture between Tzivos Hashem and myShliach. Over 200 Shluchos registered their children to Hachayol alone. “The program has initiatives for children to do what every parent would like to their children to do,” explains Mrs. Sima Simmonds, the myShliach ECAD. By offering great prizes and promotions through points that the children earn with activities such as Tanya baal-peh and saying Tehillim, the children respond really well with this innovative method of motivation. Adds Mrs. Simmons, “myShliach is making the ever popular program, Hachayol, available to Shluchim’s children in every city of the world.”

Parents are very happy with the positive outcomes of myShliach’s partnered relationship with Tzivos Hashem. “My kids loved it!” exclaimed Rabbi Hami of Monsey, New York. “They all said Tehillim with extra Chayus this month.”

Rabbi Beryl Frankel, the director of myShliach, explains the program’s far-reaching capacity: “We are able to offer children around the world the opportunity to have a mashpia and friend, as well as the opportunity to be part of such an amazing program like ‘Hachayol’ and many other programs throughout the year – no matter where they live.”

Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, executive director of myShliach, describes the motivation behind myShliach. “We are constantly striving to provide programs and services,” he explains, “that enhance the lives of Shluchim and their children.” myShliach started as a mentoring program to serve the growing needs of Shluchim’s children who often only have their brothers and sisters as friends. During Yomim Tovim, My Shliach organizes a program to promote parent-child learning. Children have a learning-based opportunity to enter into a worldwide raffle for great prizes such as sets of Seforim, cameras and iPods.

For more information, or to register your children, please visit


  • Cher

    This looks like Berl Frankel and Shimmy Weinbaum are hard at work.
    Keep it up!

  • Why only the shluchim?

    This is so nice, very wonderful! I know the shluchim really need this for their kids. But what about the Lubavitchers who live out of town, but are not shluchim. There are many, many Lubavitch families out there who live in smaller communities. These kids also go to a day school instead of a yeshiv, or have no school at all! They also do not have older bochurim there to look up to. Those children could use the same mentor as the shluchims’ kids.

  • questioning parent

    what about us? we are not shluchim but live in a remote area in order to be able to provide a service (product) to lubavitchers. My kids go to a litvish school and I would love to be able to have some more resources, like those available to shluchim, for them.
    There is nothing lub. here. Any way I can sign them up for any of these programs?

  • Alway jealous!!

    Well why don’t you start up a big brother program for your children? When ever there is something nice done for the Shluchim, other Lubavitchers act jealous and can’t “fagin” them.

  • questioning parent

    to alway jealous-
    we don’t have the resources that the huge network of shluchim have.
    what would we call it- the non shluchim but still lubavitchers who live out of town big brother program?
    if they have it set up, why not share?
    aren’t we all the Rebbes shluchim?

    and what would it hurt?