Prime Minister of Canada joined the 20th Annual Menorah Lighting in Calgary Alberta

ALBERTA, Canada [CHI] — In honor of the 20th anniversary of Chabad Lubavitch of Alberta, Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper joined the Head Shluchim of Alberta – Rabbi Menachem and Rochel Matusof as well as the Canadian Federation of Chabad Lubavitch including regional Shluchim from across the country at the 20th Annual Community Menorah Lighting in the City Hall Atrium of Calgary, Alberta.

The Menorah Lighting was broadcasted live online and television for the entire hour as in previous years. Over 500 people were present as well as hundreds who watched the event live from home. The full hour program was rebroadcasted twice on Tuesday on Shaw Cable TV.

Shluchim from the Canadian Federation of Chabad Lubavitch participated in the actual Menorah lighting ceremony along with the Mayor of Calgary and the Prime Minister who lit the Shamash. Rabbi Menachem Matusof was honored with the lighting of the Menorah.

The event included greetings from the President of Calgary Jewish Community Council, the Mayor of Calgary, The Canadian Federation of Chabad Lubavitch – Rabbi Avrohom Altein (Winnipeg, Manitoba), Rabbi Menachem Matusof and Prime Minister Stephen Harper. The following dignitaries where present and recognized at the Menorah lighting: Officials from the City of Calgary, the Province of Alberta, the Federal Government, the Calgary Police, Fire and EMS Service, MLA’s, MP’s and a representative from most Jewish Organization in Calgary.

The ceremony ended of with a smash as 10-year-old Yudi Matusof sang ‘Ani Maamin’ along with Cantor Alex Stein of Calgary as everyone danced and enjoyed latkes and Chanukah gelt for the children.

Happy Chanukah & Mazel Tov to Chabad Lubavitch of Alberta for reaching its 20th year milestone!

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The out of town Shluchim who participated are: Rabbi Avrohom Altein (Winnipeg, Manitoba), Rabbi Ari Drelich (Edmonton, Alberta), Rabbi Zalman A. Grossbaum (Toronto, Ontario), Rabbi Eli Matusof (Brooklyn, NY), Rabbi Chaim Mendelson (Ottawa, Ontario), Rabbi Berel Muchkin (Montreal, Quebec) and Rabbi Yosef Zaltzman (Toronto, Ontario).