Israeli Ambassador to Ausralia Visits New Zealand
CANTERBURY, New Zealand [CHI] — This week Israeli Ambassador to Ausralia Yuval Rotem made a special trip to ChCh City to meet with Chabad’s Shaliach to the Country Rabbi Mendel Goldstein. The Ambassador spent a couple of hours in the Chabad House where he was warmly welcomed by a team of six Temimim who have recently undertaken the directorship of the Chabad House.
More pictures in the Extended Article!
The Ambassador was honored with affixing the Mezzuzos on Chabad’s two new premises in the City. New Zealand is home to some 10,000 Jews, and some 20,000 Israeli backpackers who spend on average of three months in the Country,

Kol Hakavod Chevrah!!
May you have much hatzlocho in your Shlichus!
Moshiach Now!
This is Gevaldik!
Just think…
Chabad has an “embassy” even where Israel doesn’t…
you rock mendy!!!!!!!!!!! i miss u soooo much@!!1 regards to sarale and the clan! your sis is thinking about you!