Diana Brement - JTNews

SEATLE, WA — Rabbi Elie Estrin, who runs Chabad’s University of Washington organization, has just finished training as a Seattle Community Police Chaplain. He’s the only rabbi of about 30 chaplains, a mix of clergy and lay people, and only one of two Jews.

Rabbi Joins Police Chaplain Program

Diana Brement – JTNews

SEATLE, WA — Rabbi Elie Estrin, who runs Chabad’s University of Washington organization, has just finished training as a Seattle Community Police Chaplain. He’s the only rabbi of about 30 chaplains, a mix of clergy and lay people, and only one of two Jews.

The volunteer chaplain force assists police in giving tragic news to families of accident and crime victims, including death notification. Although they are accompanied by a uniformed officer, their work frees other officers to do more specific police duties.

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  • Go Eli

    Oh my, Eli you look just like your Pop! Mazel Tov on your new status and Mazel Tov to your parents. I am sure they have much nachas from you.

    The G Family (think hard…Russia, Prov., NY…there, you got it!)