SOLON, OH — A plan by the Chabad Jewish Center of Solon, 5570 Harper Road, to build a mikvah (ceremonial bath) was approved Monday (June 16) by City Council.
The mikvah, in the form of a house, will be located in a residential area on Cannon Road just north of the Chabad center.
Solon: Council lets Chabad Jewish Center Build Ceremonial Bath
SOLON, OH — A plan by the Chabad Jewish Center of Solon, 5570 Harper Road, to build a mikvah (ceremonial bath) was approved Monday (June 16) by City Council.
The mikvah, in the form of a house, will be located in a residential area on Cannon Road just north of the Chabad center.
The site plan came with several zoning variances, which concerned Frank and Carol Haydocy. The couple lives “on and off” in a house next to the mikvah site.
The Haydocys said a mikvah seems out of place in a residential zone. They worried about people going in and out of the mikvah at night.
Councilman Lon Stolarsky said Chabad would use the mikvah a maximum of seven hours a week.
Gene Stancak, an architect working on the project, said Chabad will plant as much landscaping as necessary to screen the mikvah from neighbors.