Alternate Side Parking Suspended Thursday For Snow Removal
The Adams administration today announced that Alternate Side Parking Regulations will be suspended tomorrow, Thursday, January 23, 2025, to facilitate weather operations. Payment at parking meters will remain in effect throughout the city.
Kop Doktar
Adarebah. When the snow needs to be removed, alternate side of street parking SHOULD be in effect, so that the snow can be removed! It’s backwards thinking!
Kop Doktar
They should force us to shovel the street, same as they force us to shovel the sidewalk. Both the sidewalk and the street are city property. They enslave us to be resposinle to clear their sidewalk in front of our property, why not enslave us to clear the road in front of our property?! And make us fill the potholes too. Is there any difference between sidewalk and road? Enslaved -USSR Communist!