Dear Customers,

Please be advised that in some of the current printing of the Rosh Hashanah Machzor, at the end of the Minchah Shemoneh Esrei of Rosh Hashanah (both days), four pages are missing.

The missing pages are 284 (English Side), 285 (Both Sides), 286 (Hebrew Side).

Please know for yourself, or to instruct your congregation BEFORE Shemoneh Esrei begins, to go to another Elokai Nitzor (such as page 18), and a complete Avinu Malkeinu (page 152).

Alternatively, you can make photocopies beforehand.

We sent this notice out as soon as we became aware of the error, and apologize for the inconvenience this is causing.

Click Here for a PDF of the missing pages.

L'Shanah Tovah,
Kehot Publication Society


Dear Customers,

Please be advised that in some of the current printing of the Rosh Hashanah Machzor, at the end of the Minchah Shemoneh Esrei of Rosh Hashanah (both days), four pages are missing.

The missing pages are 284 (English Side), 285 (Both Sides), 286 (Hebrew Side).

Please know for yourself, or to instruct your congregation BEFORE Shemoneh Esrei begins, to go to another Elokai Nitzor (such as page 18), and a complete Avinu Malkeinu (page 152).

Alternatively, you can make photocopies beforehand.

We sent this notice out as soon as we became aware of the error, and apologize for the inconvenience this is causing.

Click Here for a PDF of the missing pages.

L’Shanah Tovah,
Kehot Publication Society


  • Shliach in USA

    Please make a PDF version of these pages available. it’ll look a bit nicer than copies.

    Thanks in advance and A Gut Gebentched Yohr.

  • levi new

    its not the first time kehos made such a mikstake
    in the kehos rh -yk machzor with english annotations the tehillim psalm 23 was doubled and 22 missing
    customers should be able to return it

  • shliach with defective machzorim

    We understand that in an operation as large as kehos, mistakes are ievitable, but making a pdf of the missing pages available is not the right way to solve the problem. Customers (such as myself) who purchased the defective machzorim should be able to return them, either to be fixed or replaced.

  • Jose

    I don’t know why people would complain about ANYTHING that would make davening just a bit shorter.