PSA: Crown Street Closure Corrected, Will Be Open Next Week
An announced Closure of Crown Street starting today, Friday, and dragging on through next week caused ruckus in Crown Heights. Thankfully, it has been corrected.
Rabbi Yaakov Behrman tweeted the correction, saying “For those concerned about Crown Street being closed next week: I just got off the phone with Mike from A&J Cianciulli, work will be completed today. Crown Street will be open next week. The information on the sign is incorrect.”
Many thousands of local residents can now breath a sigh of relief, as the 9:00am to 6:00pm closure was expected to cause mayhem for the already chaotic traffic of Crown Heights.
The closure was arranged with the city a while in advance to facilitate the lifting of a heavy piece of machinery onto a neighboring building. The heavy unit needed to be hoisted by a specialty duty crane, which would require a complete closure of the street while it was in use.