Rubashkin Family Asks For Memories Of Their Zaidy
To all of Klal Yisroel everywhere,
I’m writing to all you of you now, because we all as a nation just lost one of our pillars, one of our giants, and one of our heroes. This past Thursday the world became a darker place we lost a very dear member of klal yisroel; we lost my very special and dear zaidy, Avraham Aaron Rubashkin. My Zaidy was unusual in every aspect of life.
Zaidy had such a varemkeit it would melt people in seconds. I watched with my own eyes how the toughest people soften up in his presence. He trademarked chesed long before it was in style, he helped scores of people in a way no one can imagine; always with such humility. My whole life I was lucky to be in the front lines and see how to have true Ahavas Yisroel. My zaidy never ‘taught’ us, he only led by example! The way my zaidy dealt with every challenge that came his way throughout his life was beyond imaginable. He tackled every issue with such emunah and Simcha that he always pulled through! Who would think that he wouldn’t pull through this last time? The fact that zaidy left us is not something anyone ever thought would happen!
My zaidy wasn’t just my family’s personal zaidy, my zaidy became an adopted zaidy to so many yidden throughout his lifetime. There are thousands of people that refer to him as ‘Zaidy Rubashkin’. Anyone that merited to have the great zechus of meeting zaidy Rubashkin knows what an unbelievably exceptional giant he was.
Amidst all the craziness that we find ourselves in due to the virus our family isn’t able to sit the proper shiva where we can sit around and be comforted by the the thousands of people that would come and share their personal experiences and stories about our dear zaidy. We can only imagine the scores and scores of people that would be coming and sharing how my zaidy helped them, what they learnt from him, and how he was there for them.
We as a family are asking if you can please please take the time to date all your memories, life-lessons, and experiences of of our zaidy. It would mean so much for us and give us some light in this thick darkness!
Thank you in advance!
You can send in your message as a audio, video, or writeup to zaidyrubashkin@gmail.com or send it to 347-272-0675
May we merit in the coming of moshiach right now where we will have the ultimate comfort we’ll ever be able to have!!!