Help a Needy Family this Purim
One of the main characteristics of the holiday of Purim is giving – sending and receiving Shalach Manot from friends and neighbors. Chevra Simchas Shabbos V’Yom Tov wants you to think about those may not be able to buy food for the Seudas Yom Tov and are offering an alternative so that you can help change that.
Dear Friend,
Purim is a Yom Tov of fun and sharing! Sending Shalach Manos is a Mitzvah and a significant part of the day. What you might not know, is that some of your friends and relatives who are receiving candy and nosh, may not have funds to buy food for Seudas Yom Tov.
CSSY is therefore offering an alternative where you can do both at the same time. Instead of sending typical Mishloach Manos send these elegant and meaningful Shalach Manos cards. The money you donate toward the Shalach Manos cards will be used to literally put food on the tables of local needy families so they can celebrate Purim with dignity!
This Purim don’t hide behind your mask, show that you’re making a difference in your community!
Click here to purchase CSSY’s Purim card beautifully designed with Michoel Muchnik’s artwork.
Cards are priced at 1 for $10, 3 for $25 and 10 for $85. Cards are available in English and come with classy envelopes.
For more information please visit: or call: 718-774-5270
Will all the donations be distributed on Purim?
Can I donate now to fulfill the Mitzvah of matanos levyonim?