Following Successful ‘Chats’ Series, BCA to Host Q&A
A 7-week series of Chinuch Chats with Bnos Chomesh Academy was wildly successful, with over 17,000 tuning in. Now BCA will be hosting a question and answer session with the schools principal Mrs. Dena Gorkin.
Teachers, educators, and mothers of teens and pre-teens will gather to learn more about the topics that got over 17,000 views on Facebook and Youtube and stimulated educators world-wide.
Mrs. Dena Gorkin, educator and principal of Bnos Chomesh Academy will lead the evening with a one-hour Chinuch lecture on the topic “healthy, happy, frum”. The talk with be followed by a Q&A series with questions from the audience.
The event is free, made possible by the generosity of Urban Pops, but RSVP is required to ensure comfortable seating. (And yes, there will be delicious Urban Pops tasters at the event!)
The event will take place on Tuesday, January 9th, at 579 Crown Street starting at 7:45pm.
To get a taste of the evening, watch the previous series of Chinuch Chats with BCA below:
Uncle Mendel
Buy another scarf. You keep wearing the same one.