PSA: Daylight Savings Time Begins Motzai Shabbos

Daylight Savings Time begins on Motzai Shabbos and we ‘spring ahead’ – at 2:00am it will become 3:00am, taking away an hour of sleep.

Make sure to change your clocks before you get to bed, as to avoid any confusion and being an hour late to everything.

The New York City Office of Emergency Management reminds New Yorkers to change the batteries in their smoke and carbon-monoxide detectors as well.

Click on the following links to learn more about Standard Time and Daylight Savings time.


  • ban it

    Daylight savings time causes health problems, traffic problems, more electricity consumption, problems with children getting to bed too late, problems for businesses that want to open motzai Shabbos, problems for people who want to daven before work, etc.

  • Moshe Eliyahu

    I liked it before March of 2007, when bush made daylight savings time the 2nd week of March, when we would leave the clock on Standard Time till the 1st Shabbos in April then change it Motzei Shabbos, this way the whole winter will b a complete winter which is all the way through march. I liked it when the latest shkia would b, around 6:15 6:20. Does any1 know y the changed 2 switch the clock in the 2nd week of March ?