Gofundme Campaign for R’ Meir Roness’ Family

For over fifty years, R’ Meir Roness, OBM, dedicated himself to illuminating the lives of others. Beginning as a bochur many decades ago, and continuing to do so under Tzach-Lubavitch Youth Organization until his last days, thousands were introduced by him to the inner teachings of the Torah – Chassidus.

Through his tireless efforts, numerous Shiurim of Tanya were established in many, many Yeshivos all over the country.

Due to his sudden passing this past winter, his widow and family are faced with tremendous financial burden due to previous outstanding and growing debt.

Friends of the family have put together a Gofundme appeal to help the family stabilize their very difficult financial situation.

The campaign is endorsed by Chaim Meir Liberman of Tzach, Rabbi Shlomo Majeski of Machon Chana, and Rabbi Pinye Korf, Mashpia in 770 and Oholei Torah.

To contribute, please visit https://www.gofundme.com/meirsfamily.


  • Zalman Feigenson

    Meir was a special Neshama.
    I hope thay people help the familu as much as possible.

  • mailing address

    Or you can mail a check to:
    Lubavitch Youth Organization – Roness Campaign
    770 Eastern Parkway
    Brooklyn, NY 11213 USA

  • Thankful for another chance

    I did not know exactly what he collected for. I heard about some shiurim and thought most was for himself and family. After he was niftar I was so torn to learn how much he accomplished and felt bad why I never gave him more. As I see clearly that he accomplished more by himself with his collecting then many big moisdos with big budgets. And he did not take for himself unfortunately, as he left his family in this situation. I am thankful that I get this 2nd chance before rosh hashana to do teshuva and give to Meir again, but this time properly. Not just a dollar. A ksiva vachasima tova to all of anash. And may we merit to see Meir in 770 again now