Need a Shidduch? Devorah Benjamin Has an Idea!

Elul is the Chodesh Harachamim, the time when the King is in the field and hears our Tefillos with a broad smile. It is also the month of Ani L’dodi V’dodi Li. All of us know someone who needs a Shidduch, and a special time, place and Zechus together can bring that Brocho.

Devorah Benjamin, founder and director of KSCVK, has gone to the Ohel several occasions to daven for people who need a Shidduch, with a suggested donation of one hundred dollars per name. The money goes directly to KSCVK, helping Jewish couples get married.

Many people have had success and many people have asked Devorah to go on more occasions.

Devorah will be visiting the Ohel before Rosh Hashana to daven for Shidduchim for this coming year. Boruch Hashem this Elul KSCVK has been very active with weddings, and funds are needed immediately.

The Zechus of the Rebbe’s Brochos together with Zechus of Tzedokoh and specifically helping others get married is a powerful Segulah for this being the year.

If you would like to participate, please email or call 718.774.4578. Please include the name of the children, their mothers’ names and payment information by this Tuesday, Elul 24 – September 8, at 12:00pm.

In this Zechus may we speedily hear the Shofar Godol and merit the ultimate wedding of Hashem and the Jewish people with the coming of Moshiach NOW!


  • tr2

    devorah, your love for mitzvos, your respect for another Jew… really something outstanding.
    all I can say is a huge yashar koach. We all need to be as pure as you are. THANKYOU DEVORAH for all that you do, really thanks.

  • mendel

    can you do it for only $50 ? I dont have alot of money (which is probably the reason I havent found a shidduch)