PSA: New Traffic Rule on Lincoln Pl.
The traffic rules for the Northern side of Lincoln Place, from Brooklyn Avenue and eastward, were changed during the last days of Pesach. Originally ‘no parking anytime,’ the signs now say ‘no standing -fire zone.’
What this means is that it is no longer permissible to stop your car and ‘stand’ on that side of the street – even if the driver is present and the engine is running.
According to the NYC DOT website, the penalty for violating a ‘no standing’ ordinance is $115.
what a blessing!
thank you…
Just Asking
How is this a “fire zone?” What criteria did it meet that makes it different from all the other residential blocks of crown heights? If a Jewish family is coming home with a car full of groceries or children why can they idle the car and unload on every street, in a manner that does not block through traffic, but not on Lincoln Place?
Width of the Street
Probably has to do with the width of the street, though it makes no sense that it changed now, more than a century after the street was first opened.
Out of towner
Because people take advantage and leave their cars there and block the entire narrow block so no cars can get by
Abraham lincoln
You’re still allowed to load and unload passengers
No Standing
Means that you can only stop to drop off or pick up passengers.
Practically Speaking
Practically speaking there aren’t police around the block most of the time, so you can probably get away with stopping briefly to unload packages – and in the event you do get caught the police in Crown Heights will probably just give a higher summons rather than shoot you in the back.
before Pesach
signs were put up a week or so before Pesach – right before we had to unload the Pesach purchases.
Eli Lipskier
In front of Aliya on ENY they also changed the sign.. “NO PARKING ANYTIME “