In the wake of the tragedy that befell the Jewish community Friday night, Crown Heights Shomrim have released the following list of fire safety tips for the Jewish home.
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and kind of funny that NONE of the tips released in the graphic address what caused the fire in the first place. unless orthodox homes install more fire detection equipment or decide to stop leaving kitchen equipment on during shabbat, more people are going to die.
is keeping shabbat worth 7 children dying?
Actually ‘Larry’ Jews have died for less then ‘just’ keeping Shabbos.
The better question would be “how can we keep shabbos in a more safe manner” and not your anti-Halacha drivel.
This does NOT list the ROOT cause of what happened, an UNATTENDED HOTPLATE!!!
Thanks for this.
And also NEVER put electronics ( or anything in that category) in or on a place where it can chas v’shalom turn into a fire!!!! Bais Rivka had a fire because one of the workers left an electronic in the boiler room!!!!!!
my name is actually Larry. and how about stay on topic and stop deflecting from the original. and “anti-Halacha drivel.”? really?
that the best you can do to have a rational discussion?
and yet again no one mentions the obvious
Smoke alarms!!!!!!!
don’t EVER talk on a cell phone near a gas station!!!
to #1
you have Teshuva to do-that’s for starters and that is between you and Hashem and Hashem you can’t run away from-and being that Hashem loves you, your comment causes him lots of pain…
You are being rude for starters and try to belittle Hashem’s Torah
NOTHING Hashem asks us to do is not good for us, actually the opposite is true-if we don’t do what Hashem asks it weakens our connection with Him, and that is just the beginning of it
Safety is the key here and safety precautions too have limits, If Hashem decides that it’s a person’s time to go than unless the decree is changed -by Hashem- than that is what will be…
Any society or group in this world has many different customs and some are outright dangerous. The halachos of Shabbos are not outright dangerous. Like anything else in this world safety measures should be taken. To go and try to blame the situation that happened on something like you did is a combination of trying to play G-D and blaming religion for, perhaps, a lack of adequate safety measure taken. At the end of the day, if you really care go help people, both Jews and non-Jews make sure that their homes have proper safety measures in places. Don’t go blaming G-D, who everything comes from and who is our only true friend.
Don’t try to blame a hot plate for the missing life’s of 7 children. If there would have been smoke detectors in the house I’m sure the hot plate would not have had malfunction. We don’t know g-d choices or reason but for some reason he chose these people.
When the geulah arrives I guess we will know.
To larry
Stop walking, Driving, taking planes, eating, swimming, sleeping, exercising etc people die doing these. But if you don’t – fulfill your perpous – you are dead anyway. We are not alive without torah life. A jew without mitsvos is like a fish out of water. Can’t breath.
Not larry
Larry your post does sound like you are bashing shabbas. There are safer methods of keeping food heated on shabbas. There does need to be a fire alarm drive however the ones I have used were only good at informing me that the self clean oven is in fact working as I wanted it to. Many homes have very old wiring which is also a big worry. Gut erev shabbas!
Smoke alarms are mentioned.
Larry this is untenable, what you are suggesting is we repeal and replace Shabbos! Next even if we like our rabbi we won’t be able to keep our rabbi and thousands of yeshiva students will lose their New York state Medicaid. No!
and kind of funny that NONE of the tips released in the graphic address what caused the fire in the first place. unless orthodox homes install more fire detection equipment or decide to stop leaving kitchen equipment on during shabbat, more people are going to die.
is keeping shabbat worth 7 children dying?
Actually ‘Larry’ Jews have died for less then ‘just’ keeping Shabbos.
The better question would be “how can we keep shabbos in a more safe manner” and not your anti-Halacha drivel.
This does NOT list the ROOT cause of what happened, an UNATTENDED HOTPLATE!!!
Thanks for this.
And also NEVER put electronics ( or anything in that category) in or on a place where it can chas v’shalom turn into a fire!!!! Bais Rivka had a fire because one of the workers left an electronic in the boiler room!!!!!!
my name is actually Larry. and how about stay on topic and stop deflecting from the original. and “anti-Halacha drivel.”? really?
that the best you can do to have a rational discussion?
and yet again no one mentions the obvious
Smoke alarms!!!!!!!
don’t EVER talk on a cell phone near a gas station!!!
to #1
you have Teshuva to do-that’s for starters and that is between you and Hashem and Hashem you can’t run away from-and being that Hashem loves you, your comment causes him lots of pain…
You are being rude for starters and try to belittle Hashem’s Torah
NOTHING Hashem asks us to do is not good for us, actually the opposite is true-if we don’t do what Hashem asks it weakens our connection with Him, and that is just the beginning of it
Safety is the key here and safety precautions too have limits, If Hashem decides that it’s a person’s time to go than unless the decree is changed -by Hashem- than that is what will be…
Any society or group in this world has many different customs and some are outright dangerous. The halachos of Shabbos are not outright dangerous. Like anything else in this world safety measures should be taken. To go and try to blame the situation that happened on something like you did is a combination of trying to play G-D and blaming religion for, perhaps, a lack of adequate safety measure taken. At the end of the day, if you really care go help people, both Jews and non-Jews make sure that their homes have proper safety measures in places. Don’t go blaming G-D, who everything comes from and who is our only true friend.
Don’t try to blame a hot plate for the missing life’s of 7 children. If there would have been smoke detectors in the house I’m sure the hot plate would not have had malfunction. We don’t know g-d choices or reason but for some reason he chose these people.
When the geulah arrives I guess we will know.
To larry
Stop walking, Driving, taking planes, eating, swimming, sleeping, exercising etc people die doing these. But if you don’t – fulfill your perpous – you are dead anyway. We are not alive without torah life. A jew without mitsvos is like a fish out of water. Can’t breath.
Not larry
Larry your post does sound like you are bashing shabbas. There are safer methods of keeping food heated on shabbas. There does need to be a fire alarm drive however the ones I have used were only good at informing me that the self clean oven is in fact working as I wanted it to. Many homes have very old wiring which is also a big worry. Gut erev shabbas!
Smoke alarms are mentioned.
Larry this is untenable, what you are suggesting is we repeal and replace Shabbos! Next even if we like our rabbi we won’t be able to keep our rabbi and thousands of yeshiva students will lose their New York state Medicaid. No!